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is a charming book series set in rural Jamaica and follows the imaginative adventures of a little girl named Datty Mac, her mother Lucy and her two sisters Matty and Gatty. The stories are told in simple lively language. The depth of details, the gentle humour, the brief dialogue are appropriate for the age level of the children who would read or have the story read to them. The series features clever "flip-style" books, written in English while also allowing one to read the same story in Jamaican Patois when flipped over. Multitalented Saskia illustrates the books herself, using vivid colors reminiscent of gorgeous Jamaican landscapes. The illustrations portray the humour and enhance the story content and characterization. There are 11 books in the series thus far. Look out for the ebook versions coming soon!

New children's book series by
Award Winning published author
Saskia Garel
If you're a parent whose well has run dry in the story telling department at bedtime, and let's be honest, you're too tired to even talk at the end of the day, well look no further. Saskia has ingeniously created a "Bedtime Stories" series "where kids read to kids". Everyone knows that kids are fascinated by other kids, so what better way to capture their attention and imagination by having these original and well known stories read to them by their own kind. Saskia has illustrated original stories to keep your little ones riveted and entertained while kids of all ages narrate. A guaranteed favourite for your munchkins as a way to wind down before bedtime.
To enjoy Betime Stories at your leisure please subscribe to the Saskia Garel YouTube Channel below.